Full-Metal Indigiqueer: The Pro(1,0)Zoa by Joshua Whitehead

Full-Metal Indigiqueer

  • Paperback
  • Talonbooks (2017)
  • SKU: 9781772011876
Regular price $18.95
Regular price Sale price $18.95

Using binary code and texts from classics of the English language such as Edmund Spenser's The Faerie Queene, Joshua Whitehead unravels the coded "I" to trace the formation of a colonized self and reclaim representations of Indigenous texts.

“Both the form and content of the poems throughout Full-Metal Indigiqueer slice through barriers imposed by the conventions of language, to assert a new kind of identity for Whitehead, as the poet struggles and fights against the social, literary, and individual colonizations that he lives with/in. … Whitehead displays a clear love for the possibilities of written language, despite his misgivings about how it has come to be a part of his life through the colonial process. The creative use of text and language throughout this collection suggests that creative use of language can become a bold way through the traps set up to confine speakers to sanctioned ways of expressing themselves.” ―Wes Babcock, Bywords

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