
39 products

39 products
Sand Talk: How Indigenous Thinking Can Save the World by Tyson Yunkaporta
Sand Talk: How Indigenous Thinking Can Save the World
Tyson Yunkaporta
Dakota/Lakota Star Map Constellation Guidebook by Annette Sharon Lee, Jim Rock,  Charlene O'Rourke
Dakota/Lakota Star Map Constellation Guidebook
Annette Sharon Lee et al.
Perennial Ceremony: Lessons and Gifts from a Dakota Garden by Teresa Peterson
Perennial Ceremony: Lessons and Gifts from a Dakota Garden
Teresa Peterson
Remember by Joy Harjo
Joy Harjo
Onigamiising: Seasons of an Ojibwe Year by Linda LeGarde Grover
Onigamiising: Seasons of an Ojibwe Year
Linda LeGarde Grover
Held by the Land: A Guide to Indigenous Plant Wellness by Leigh Joseph
Held by the Land: A Guide to Indigenous Plants for Wellness
Leigh Joseph
A Handbook of Native American Herbs by Alma R Hutchens
A Handbook of Native American Herbs
Alma R Hutchens
Earth Keeper: Reflections on the American Land by N. Scott Momaday
Earth Keeper: Reflections on the American Land
N. Scott Momaday
Dwellings / Online Shop / Birchbark Books & Native Arts
Linda Hogan
Red Alert!: Saving the Planet with Indigenous Knowledge by Daniel R. Wildcat
Red Alert!: Saving the Planet with Indigenous Knowledge
Daniel R. Wildcat
It's a Mitig! by Bridget George
It's a Mitig!
Bridget George
Oak Flat: A Fight for Sacred Land in the American West by Lauren Redniss
Oak Flat: A Fight for Sacred Land in the American West
Lauren Redniss
Birding While Indian: A Mixed-Blood Memoir by Thomas C. Gannon
Birding While Indian: A Mixed-Blood Memoir
Thomas C. Gannon
Nature Poem by Tommy Pico
Nature Poem
Tommy Pico
Honour Earth Mother / Online Shop / Birchbark Books & Native Arts
Honour Earth Mother
Basil Johnston
White Birch, Red Hawthorn: A Memoir by Nora Murphy
White Birch, Red Hawthorn
Nora Murphy
Recovering the Sacred: The Power of Naming and Claiming by Winona LaDuke
Recovering the Sacred: The Power of Naming and Claiming
Winona LaDuke
Where the Sea Kuniks the Land by Ashley Qilavaq-Savard
Where the Sea Kuniks the Land
Ashley Qilavaq-Savard
Benjamin's Thunderstorm by Melanie Florence
Benjamin's Thunderstorm
Melanie Florence
Forever Our Home by Tonya Simpson
Forever Our Home
Tonya Simpson
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