Indigenous Crafts

24 products

24 products
How Indians Use Wild Plants for Food, Medicine & Crafts by Frances Densmore
How Indians Use Wild Plants for Food, Medicine & Crafts
Frances Densmore
Nookomis Obagijigan Moccasin Pattern Book
Nookomis Obagijigan Moccasin Pattern Book
Sarah Agaton Howes
Stitches of Tradition (Gashkigwaaso Tradition)
Marcie Rendon
Wampanoag Art for the Ages: Traditional and Transitional by Lee Roscoe
Wampanoag Art for the Ages: Traditional and Transitional
Lee Roscoe
A Bag Worth a Pony: The Art of the Ojibwe Bandolier Bag by Marcia Anderson
A Bag Worth a Pony: The Art of the Ojibwe Bandolier Bag
Marcia Anderson
Kunu's Basket: A Story from Indian Island by Lee DeCora Francis
Kunu's Basket: A Story from Indian Island
Lee DeCora Francis
Mabel McKay: Weaving the Dream by Greg Sarris
Mabel McKay: Weaving the Dream
Greg Sarris
Dakota Women's Work: Creativity, Culture, and Exile by Colette A Hymen
Dakota Women's Work: Creativity, Culture, and Exile
Colette A Hymen
Quill and Beadwork of the Western Sioux / Online Shop
Quill and Beadwork of the Western Sioux
Carrie A. Lyford
Northwest Coast and Alaska Native Art by Christopher Patrello
Northwest Coast and Alaska Native Art
Christopher Patrello
Native American Clothing : An Illustrated History by Theodore Brasser
Native American Clothing: An Illustrated History
Theodore Brasser
Songs from the Loom: A Navajo Girl Learns to Weave by Monty Roessel
Songs from the Loom: A Navajo Girl Learns to Weave
Monty Roessel
Sharing Honors and Burdens by Lara M. Evans, Miranda Lewis-Belarde, & Anya Montiel
Sharing Honors and Burdens: Renwick Invitational 2023
Lara M. Evans et al.
Patterns of Exchange: Navajo Weavers and Traders by Teresa J. Wilkins
Patterns of Exchange: Navajo Weavers and Traders
Teresa J. Wilkins
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