
We’ve partnered with to make it possible for you to buy audiobooks directly through our bookstore. Browse the catalog of over 215,000 audiobooks, including New York Times best sellers, and discover hidden gems curated by our expert booksellers.

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Listen on your terms

We believe you should listen to audiobooks in a way that works for you. That’s why we offer monthly memberships, à la carte listening, and extra benefits when you switch from another audiobook provider.

À la carte listening

Are you an occasional listener? With, you can purchase and listen to audiobooks on your own schedule with no strings attached,

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Monthly membership

Are you an avid listener? This option is for you. Members receive one audiobook credit each month in exchange for an automatic charge of $14.99 USD plus tax to a credit card.

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Narrated by Louise Erdrich

Why not start by listening to Louise read her own books? Stories come to life in the voice of the author!

For the Children

Two of Louise's best loved stories for the young at heart.

Gift Audiobooks with

Gift audiobooks

Gift audiobooks to anyone in the world (including yourself!) from the comfort of your home. You choose the membership (3, 6, or 12 months/credits), your gift recipient picks their own audiobooks, and our bookstore is supported by your purchase.

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About makes it possible for you to buy audiobooks through your local bookstore, giving you the power to keep money within your local economy, create local jobs, and make a difference in your community.

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