Seasoned with Spirit: Return of the Buffalo
- Native American Public Telecommunications (2006)
Episode 5: Return of the Buffalo
There is a movement among Tribes to bring the buffalo back to the Great Plains in order to promote cultural enhancement, spiritual revitalization, ecological restoration and economic development. Loretta travels to the buffalo range of Fred Dubray on the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation in South Dakota to learn more. Wasna (Sun-Dried Bison with Chokecherries), Wojape (Chokecherry Soup) and Grilled Bison Tenderloin with a Sage-Chokecherry Jus are on the menu for this exciting show.
Loretta Barret Oden, renowned Native American chef and proud woman of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation, hosts the PBS cooking, travel and Native American culture series Seasoned with Spirit. These shows comprise a culinary celebration of America's bounty, combing Native American history and culture with delicious, healthy recipes inspired by indigenous foods.