For Indigenous Minds Only: A Decolonization Handbook
- Paperback
- School for Advanced Research Press (2012)
- SKU: 9781934691939
For Indigenous Minds Only features a new group of Indigenous scholars, writers, and activists who have collaborated on the creation of a sequel to For Indigenous Eyes Only. The title, For Indigenous Minds Only, reflects an understanding that decolonizing actions must begin in the mind, and that creative, consistent decolonized thinking shapes and empowers the brain, which in turn provides a major prime for positive change. This volume covers a host of new topics and offers additional perspectives on some of the old topics. Included are discussions of global collapse, what to consider in returning to a land-based existence, demilitarization for imperial purposes and re-militarization for Indigenous purposes, survival strategies for tribal prisoners, moving beyond the nation-state model, a land-based educational model, personal decolonization, decolonization strategies for youth in custody, and decolonizing gender roles. Similar to the first volume, the authors do not intend to provide universal solutions for problems stemming from centuries of colonialism. Rather, they hope to facilitate and encourage critical thinking skills while offering recommendations for fostering community discussions and plans for purposeful community action. This book will serve an important need within Indigenous communities just as the first volume has.