Biindigen! Original Ojibwe Language Songs by Percy Ningewance, Rebecca Chartrand, Fiona Muldrew

Biindigen! Original Ojibwe Language Songs

  • Audio CD
  • Mazinaate (2013)
  • SKU: MAZIN-1
Regular price $15.00
Regular price Sale price $15.00

Mazinaate Inc publishes native language books, mostly in Ojibwe. This CD is the first foray in native language music: a ballad, children's songs, and a blues song. This CD is for anyone who enjoys music of the heart whatever language it is written in. But it is especially for you language learners and also for speakers of the Anishinaabemowin language which is also known as Ojibwe, Saulteaux, Chippewa, and Algonquin. The language is spoken all around the Great Lakes, as as far west as Saskatchewan and one community in Alberta.

Biindigen! Original Ojibwe Language Songs by Percy Ningewance, Rebecca Chartrand, Fiona Muldrew
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