100 Per Cent Friends

by Louise Erdrich

Dear Friends,

I remember the ravishing day that we opened the new door between our little bookstore and Kenwood Cafe. Since that day, we have had a true partnership. I'd like to thank Catherine and Jeff for cooking special theme meals for our book club, for lending their hearts to causes and showing movies like H2Oil, for caring about writers, supporting art, and for bringing us the puppy dog tail (a gloriously rich cinnamony dough topped with devilish cream-sweet frosting).

A place like the Kenwood Cafe becomes so quickly a given, a community treasure, that everyone loses sight of the fact that its existence is based on dollars. Kenwood Cafe is closing, probably for good. We will miss everyone who worked there as friends; we will miss you in a larger sense as a real place in this great big boxy franchised world.

In that light, thank you customers, visitors, patrons. This year we noticed how many of you chose to buy books from us, or gifts, and to support our always tenuous existence. Everyone who worked through the holiday season was touched in some way by the decisions you made to support us. Truly, we felt the love!

We are hoping that your generosity will help us make it through those lean days when there's no latte and not a puppy dog tail to be had next door.

Thanks again, chi miigwech

We wouldn't be here without you.
